CMA e-News 2011 - 2012 Season |
Thursday 9th August 2012 |
Hi all, Just a friendly reminder .... CMA AGM next Monday night 20th August @ 7:30 p.m., Port Hills Clubrooms. Kind regards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Thursday 19th July 2012 |
Hi all, Just a friendly reminder to pencil in some of the dates below from the Tuesday 19th June CMA E-News. There is one change to the events schedule listed, i.e. Oceania Postal Throws PentathlonChallenge is now on 30th September 2012. Please remember we need at least 25 current members to attend the AGM. The President's report was published in the last Cant-A-Long. If you are interested in becoming involved on the committee, please let me know. The latest version of the track & field season is also available, CLICK HERE Until the next e-News, I hope your training is going well or you are at least keeping warm. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Tuesday 19th June 2012 |
Hi all, It's been a while since my last CMA e-news. Unless you are involved with cross-country, it is a quiet time of the year. In early June I went to a NZMA Board meeting in Hamilton. There is not a lot to report, apart from letting you knowthat the planning for both the North Island and the South Island Championships is well underway and that the NZMA Championships are being held in Wellington (March 1st - 4th) next year. What's On, Where & When ........ CMA AGM - Monday 20th August 2012 @ 7:30p.m.: Port Hills Clubrooms @ 7:30 p.m. To view a draft summer programme for the 2012 - 2013 season, CLICK HERE and we can discuss it at the AGM. The other main issue to discuss will be whetheror not we continue on with Cant-A-Long or simply use our website only as the preferred method of communication. If you are interested in being on the committee, please let me know. If you have items you would like discussed, please send anyremits to Bernadette Jago by 10th August 2012. - 32 Sloan Street or via e-mail Oceania Postal Throws Pentathlon - Sunday 30th September 2012 @ 10:00 a.m.: Formerly know as the Trans Tasman Throws Pentathlon, this year some island members of Oceania have indicated they will join inthis competition. In previous years it has been held in August, however as I am organising the event, we are going to hold it in September to hopefully avoid the cold weather in the south during August. For those interested, mark the above date on yourcalendar. Other dates of note .....
Until the next e-News, I hope your training is going well or you are at least keeping warm. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Monday 26th March 2012 |
Hi all, What's On, Where & When ..... END of Year Presentation Night - Sunday 1st April 2012 Prompt reply needed by Thursday 29th March: MINIMUM number of people required is 45!!!! The final activity for the 2011 / 2012 season is the End of Year Presentation Night which is being held this Sunday 1st April 2012 at the Cashmere Club. It is the same format as last year. Meet anytime from 5:30 p.m. for drinks, followed by a buffet dinner starting at approximately 6:45 p.m., presentation of awards, then dessert / tea / coffee. Cost: CMA members $10.00, non-CMA members $20.00 At present I have 26 people attending. We require a minimum of 45 confirmed attendees for a buffet style meal to go ahead. PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP if you are able to attend either by e-mail or telephone 338 0516. Regards, Andrew Stark P.S. If you know of anyone who would normally go to this function but does not get e-mails, please let them know and ask them to contact me by Thursday. |
Sunday 11th March 2012 |
Urgent Request: The Link Relay (Halswell Quarry) is planned for Saturday 24th March 2012. See the attached race flyer ... Link Relay RaceCall This is a CMA organised event and one of our major fundraising events. For this to be successful, your committee needs your help. Jobs involved:
If you are able to help, please let me know ASAP by ringing Andrew on 338 0516 or send an e-mail. Regards, Andrew Stark |
Tuesday 21st February 2012 |
Hi all, Last Sunday we held the CMA Track & Field Championships at Rawhiti Domain in less than pleasant conditions. Fortunately the day improved as it went on and we finished the day with a well attended BBQ. Thank you to all who helped out as officials on the day. CLICK HERE Track & Field & CLICK HERE for Pentathlon view the results. The NZMA Track & Field Championships inAuckland are fast approaching as they occur during the first weekend in March. Good luck to those who are attending. What's On, Where & When ..... West Coast Track & Field Championships - Saturday 17 March 2012 -Greymouth: Last year several CMA members went to these championships and had a great time. Why not give it a go. CLICK HERE to view the programme. If you need somewhere to stay, let me know as Keith Barrowhas space for two couples to stay. Max's Night CMA Meeting - Wednesday 21 March 2012 @ 6.15 a.m. - RawhitiDomain: This is the final meeting for the season and while the track events will be decided on the night based on who turns up, I have had a request from Dave Leech for ahammer & weight throws to be included for field event competitiors. Dave has a significant birthday soon as he is turning 85 on March 9th 2012, hence his request for these events. Following the meeting we will be having a social gathering, including some presentations and a sharedsupper. Please remember to bring a plate of food to share. Link Relay -Saturday 24 March 2012 @ 1.00 p.m. - HalswellQuarry: Advice notice. More information about this event will be available closer to the date. CMA Throws Pentathlon - Sunday 25 March 2012 @ 10.00 a.m. - RawhitiDomain: Due to the Jack King Memorial Throws Pentathlon being held in January, the final CMA Championship event for the season has been delayed until this Sunday. If youare planning to attend, please let me know. CMA Presenatation Night - Sunday 1 April 2012 @ 6.30 p.m. - CashmereClub: As yet the venue has not been booked but I will confirm the venue ASAP. It is planned that we have a similar format to last year with a dinner, followed by thepresentation of trophies. Mark this date on your calendar. More detailslater. Have you lost some shoes, white Saucony / red trim? These shoes and a black NZ singlet were left behind on Sunday at Rawhiti Domain. RIng me if you thinkthe shoes and black NZ singlet are yours. (338 0516) Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Monday 13th February 2012 |
Hi all,
To view the proposed programme CLICK HERE. Based on entries and because we are sharing the grounds, it may benecessary to amend the start times of some events on the track. To enter the championships you MUST be a current financial member. The cost is $10.00, which includes attending a BBQ. Non-competing supporters can attend the BBQ at a cost of only $5.00. You can also purchase a certificatefor $5.00. Payment of all fees MUST be done on Sunday, if not before. Official required: Until the next e-News, I hope your training continues to go well. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Tuesday 24th January 2012 |
Hi all, Last weekend the CMA Steeplechase Championships were held in Timaru in beautiful sunny conditions. Iain Chinnery won the M60 2000m event and Kevin Prendergast won the M55 3000m event. Michael Bond unfortunately tripped over one hurdle and ended up spending the night inTimaru hospital. On Sunday, the Jack King Memorial Throws Pentathlon was held at Rawhiti Domain in wintery weather conditions. A select few of hardy competitors completed the event. CLICK to see the MEN'S & WOMEN'S results. What's On, Where & When ..... CMA Meeting - Sunday 29 January 2012 @ 10.00 a.m. - CHANGE OF VENUE NOW RawhitiDomain: Initially this meeting was to be held at Hansen Park. As I am unsure if the track surface is suitable for races, the meeting has been moved to Rawhiti Domain. I apologise for the late venuechange. This is the last chance for competition before the Oceania Games in Tauranga, so hopefully we will have a few more attendees. Track Events: 60m Scratch, 60m Handicap, 200m, 600m / 800m, 2000m / 3000m run / walk, Relay or any other event bydemand. Field Events:Hammer, Discus, Long Jumpp Oceania Track & Field Championships - 5 to 12 February 2012 -Tauranga: It's not that long until these championships will be upon us. CLICK HERE for the event schedule for these games. I hope your training has been going well in readiness for thesechampionships. Canterbury Masters Championships - Sunday 19 February 2012 @ 11.00 a.m. - Rawhiti Domain - PLEASE indicate you are comingASAP: Last year we introduced a new programme, starting later in the day and finishing with a social gathering / BBQ. The same format is planned for thisyear. There will be a one off entry fee of $10.00 to enter the CMA Championships. The entry fee covers all events and a ticket to the BBQ. Non-competing 'friends' canpurchase BBQ tickets at a cost of $5.00 each. Certificates are also available at a cost of$5.00. So that we can organise this event successfully, I would like members to indicate if they will be attending and if possible which events you want to compete in ASAP. CLICK HERE for 2012 Entry Form. You can enter by printing off the attached entry form and sending it to the address below or ringing Andrew Stark (338 0516) or Bernadett Jago (980 2457). The Secretary I would appreciate a response to this request as soon as possible. Until the next e-News, I hope your training continues to go well. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Friday 13th January 2012 |
Hi all, Happy New Year to you all. It seems a long time since I have been to a track & field meeting, so I am looking forward to competing this weekend. The past few weeks have been a trying time for those living in the eastern part of Christchurch, as the earthquakes havereturned all too frequently, no doubt making life stressful again. I do hope that more members will join in the up-coming CMA events, as exercise is a great stress realease. At last I can report that the up-grade to Rawhiti is complete, apart from the building of the equipment shed. Thefirst track & field meeting will be held there tomorrow. What's On, Where & When ..... CMA 3000m Championships, Saturday 14 January 2012 @ 3:45 p.m - Rawhiti Domain: Due to the small number of members competing in our championships, I have moved the race forward to 3:45 p.m., so that it falls within the Athletics Canterbury programme. You are asked to enter 1 hour beforethe start time and pay the normal race entry fee of $5.00. Good luck to those you enter. CLICK HERE for the event schedule for thismeeting. CMA Meeting, Wednesday 18 January 2012 @ 6.15 p.m. - Rawhiti Domain: At our last CMA Christmas Break-up Meeting we were rained out, so very limited events were held. Let's hope for better weather nextweek. Track Events: 60m Scratch, 60m Handicap, 100m, 300m / 400m, 1200m / 1500m run / walk, Relay or any other event bydemand. Field Events: Discus Throw & Javelin Athletics Canterbury & CMA Steeplechase Championships, Saturday 21st January @ 11:30 a.m. -Timaru: As we do not have any steeplechase facilities in Christchurch, this event will occur in Timaru. I hope some members will make the journey south to compete. Athletes from Dunedin have also beeninvited. CLICK HERE for the event schedule forTimaru. Jack King Memorial Throw Pentathlon, Sunday 22nd January @ 10:00 a.m. - RawhitiDomian: Now that repairs to Rawhiti Domain are complete, why not come along to the Throws Pentathlon and 'give it a go!' You are all wecome and I look forward to seeing more than just the regularattendees.p Oceania Track & Field Championships - 5 to 12 February -Tauranga: It's not that long until these championships will be upon us. CLICK HERE for the event schedule for these games. I hope your training has been going well in readiness for thesegames. William (Bill)Newton: It is with great sadness that I must inform members that Bill passed away just before Christmas after a brief illness. He was an active member right up until his untimely death and he will be missedby the regular group of 'friends' he competed with at our CMAmeetings. Cant-A-LongIssue: As we are having a very quiet season, with a low number of competitors and NO copy for Cant-A-Long, a reduced issue is currently being prepared ...... BUT it's not too late to send me some copy ....PLEASE!!!g Until the next e-News, I hope your training continues to go well. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) P.S. If you know of members who DO NOT have computers,please let them know about the change of venue next week and any other information that relates tothem. |
Tuesday 13th December 2011 |
Hi all, A friendly reminder ... meeting tomorrow night .... Christmas Break-up Meeting, Wednesday 14 December 2011 @ 6:15 p.m - Rawhiti Domain: At this meeting there will ONE major draw of a trip for TWO on the Trans Alpine Express Train and SIX minor draws of Shoe Clinic GiftVouchers. To find out more about some Shoe Clinic Christmas Special Offers ... CLICKHERE. All those who attend this meeting tomorrow night as either a competitor, official or supporter will be in the draw which will be made during the social gathering after the meeting. Please remember to bring aplate of food to share. Track Events: 60m Scratch, 60m Handicap, 100m, 300m / 400m, 1200m / 1500m run / walk, Relay or any other event bydemand. Field Events: Discus Throw & Javelin I hope as many as possible will attend. KindRegards, AndrewStark (CMA President) P.S. If you know of members who DO NOT have computers, please let them know about the information contained in this CMAe-news. |
Tuesday 6th December 2011 |
Hi all, Over the past two weekends, we have had the North Island Track & Field Championships (Wellington) and the South Island Track & Field Championships (Timaru). Several of our athletes made the trip to both meetings and performed well. If you go to the results page of the website you can see the SI results, but as yet the NI results are not available. Well done to those who competed. A full report will be available in the next Vetline. Up-coming event: Jack King Memorial Throw Pentathlon POSTPONED until Sunday 22nd January 2012: In consultation with members who usually compete in this event, it has been decided to postpone this event until mid January to allowthe improvements to Rawhiti Domain to be completed. I apologise for the late notice of this change. It has been a difficult year deciding exactly where our CMA meetings will be held this year as the two venues we usually use have been unavailable because of earthquake damage / repairs. Iask again that if you know anyone who usually competes in this event, but does not have e-mail access, that you give them a ring to inform them of this change. Christmas Break-up Meeting, Wednesday 14 December 2011 @ 6:15 p.m - Rawhiti Domain: This meeting will go ahead as planned with an improvised programme and a social gathering.Please remember to bring a plate of food to share. I hope as many as possible will attend. CMA 5000m Championships - Burnside High School Track - Saturday 17 December @ 4:45 p.m.: Originally this event was planned to be held at Rawhiti Domain, but will now be at BurnsideHigh School. Those competing are reminded to enter the event 1 hour before the scheduled start time and a fee of $5.00 is payable to Athletics Canterbury at the time ofentering. The end of year is fast approaching. I hope to see many of you at the Christmas Break-up Meeting. Until the next e-News, I hope your training continues to go well. Kind regards, AndrewStark (CMA President) P.S. If you know of members who DO NOT have computers, please let themknow about the information contained in this CMA e-news. |
Monday 21st November 2011 |
Hi all, Some important notices ....... Next CMAMeetings - Tuesday 22nd November 2011 & 29nd November 2011 - Both NOW at Burnside High School Track I apologise for the late notice of this venue change. If youreceive this e-mail and know of others who do not have computers but usually go to the CMA meetings, can you please give them a ring? A decision about the venue for the Jack King Memorial and Christmas meetings will be made ASAP. Kindregards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Thursday 17th November 2011 |
Hi all, Some important notices ...... Athletics Canterbury 10000m Championships Saturday 19th November 2011 @ 4:45p.m. - Change of Venue - NOW at Burnside High School Track: Rawhiti Domainis still out of action, so all inter-club events this year will remain at Burnside High School until further notice. All current CMA members can compete in this championship event, but will be required to pay the $5.00 entry fee ONE hour before the start time. Please spread the word toother runners you know who might not see this e-mail. Next CMAMeetings - Venue Undecided?????? Hansen Park is still out of action. I have a Track & Field Meeting tonight where an update of Rawhiti Domain will occur. Once I have that information, I can make a decision about where our next CMA meetings planned for Hansen Park can be held. Expect another e-Newssoon. Until the next e-News, I hope your training continues to go well. Kind regards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) P.S. If you know of members who DONOT have computers, please let them know about the change of venue next week and any other information that relates to them. |
Monday 7th November 2011 |
Hi all, Some important notices ...... The Tai Tapu Half & Quarter Marathon events were ran last Sunday in near perfect conditions. Thank you to all the CMA members who assisted in anyway. Track & Field Meeting Sunday 13th November @ 10:00 a.m. - Change of Venue - NOW at Rawhiti Domain (New Brighton - Olympic Club): Due to repairs to the Hansen Park track, we will move this meeting to Rawhiti Domain. Work is due to start on Rawhiti Domain the followingweek, so I am not sure where our next meeting will be held as both venues may be out of action, however I will keep you posted with up-dates. If you are a regular attendee of these meetings and know of any member who does not receive this e-mail, can you please give them a ring to informthem of this change of venue. Remember also that at each meeting someone will win a bottle of wine. The winner at the opening meeting was John Dumerge. John is moving to Waimate and we wish him well. Track Events: 60m Scratch, 60m Handicap, 200m, 800m, 3000m run / walk Field Events: Javelin & Shot Put CMA Registration DUE NOW - CMA Registration DUE NOW: As you are receiving this e-mail, I already have all your details so you DO NOT need to complete the registration form unless you have changedyour details. If you pay by internet banking, please use your name as the reference. Our bank account and postal details are on the Registration page. NEW Members please fill out the on-line registration form or download a printable version by going to the Registration page of the website and follow the instructions given. South Island Championships, Timaru - 2nd - 4th December 2011: Entries for the South Island Championships close on Monday 14th November 2011. In order to compete, you must have paid your 2011 / 2012registration fees. See the Events / Programme page for more details. There are entry forms you can download and print. 16th Oceania Masters Athletics Track & Field Championships, Tauranga - 5th -12th February 2012: Entries for this event close on December 15th and there are NO LATE entries. Entries can be done on-line by going to the NZMA website, CLICK HERE. Cant-A-Long: I am hopeful of having a Cant-A-Long prepared in time for our Christmas Break-up Meeting in mid December. If you have some news, some running historyor a report on the North Island or South Island Championships that you attended, please get that to me ASAP. So far I have nothing but results. Until thenext e-News, I hope your training continues to go well. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) P.S. If you know of members who DO NOT have computers, please let them know about the change of venue next week and any other information that relates to them. |
Thursday 20th October 2011 |
Hi all, Some important notices ...... OPENING CMA Track & Field Meeting @ 6:15 p.m. - Change of Venue -NOW at Rawhiti Domain (New Brighton - Olympic Club): Due to repairs to the Hansen Park track, we have had to move our opening meeting to Rawhiti Domain. We plan to have a shared supper after competition, so please remember to bringsome food to share. The cost to compete is $2.00 which will help cover the cost of hiring the clubrooms. This season we are introducing a random draw prize of a bottle of wine or a block of chocolate at each CMA meeting. If you compete or officiate at our CMA organised meetings, you willbe in the draw. At the Christmas Break-up meeting we are planning a major draw, yet to be confirmed. I look forward to seeing many of you next week. Track Events: 60m Scratch, 60m Handicap, 100m, 300m / 400m, 1200m / 1500m run / walk Field Events: Discus & Shot Put CMA Registration DUE NOW - CMA Registration DUE NOW: As you are receiving this e-mail, I already have all you details so you DO NOT need to complete the registration form unless you have changed your details. If you pay by internet banking,please use your name as the reference. Our bank account and postal details are on the Registration page. NEW Members please fill out the on-line registration form or download a printable version by going to the Registrationpage of the website and follow the instructions given. If you are planning to compete in the North Island (November 25-27) or South Island (December 2-4) Championships, you must be registered by the entry closing dates for eachmeeting. See the Events / Programme page for more details. There are entry forms you can download and print for each event. Shoe Clinic Tai Tapu Half & Quarter Marathon - Sunday 6th November 2011 @ 8:00 a.m.: Organised by the Athletics Canterbury Cross Country & Road Committee - Click here for Entry Form & Race Details. HELP REQUIRED: CMA members make up some of the officials for this event and we receive a donation for our efforts,so please keep the morning of Sunday 6th November 2011 free. Please contact Kevin Jago (980 2457) immediately if you are able to help .... your help will be needed, so don't think someone else will doit? Athletics Canterbury Track & Field Programme 2011 - 2012 - Opening Day 15 October 2011: As Rawhiti Domain is not yet ready, the opening THREE meetings of the season will be held at the Burnside High School track (Christchurch Avon Club Grounds). For moredetail of the programme click here. Until the next e-News, I hope yourtraining continues to go well. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) P.S. If you know of members who DO NOT have computers, please let them know about the change of venue next week and any other information that relates to them. |
Friday 30th September 2011 |
Hi all, Some important notices ...... Important QEII Replacement Meeting: On Thursday 6th October at the Elmwood Bowling Club @ 7:00 p.m., an important meeting is being held to gather information so our sport can have input into the replacement of QEII. Click here for more information about this important meeting and be there if you can. CMA Registration DUE NOW: As you are receiving this e-mail, I already have all you details so you DO NOT need to complete the registration form unless you have changed your details. If you pay by internet banking,please use your name as the reference. Our bank account and postal details are on the Registration page. NEW Members please fill out the on-line registration form or download a printable version by going to the Registrationpage of the website and follow the instructions given. If you are planning to compete in the North or South Island Championships, you must be registered by the entry closing dates for each meeting. See the Events / Programme page for more details. Crater Rim Trail Run - Sunday 16th October 2011 @ 8:00 a.m.: This event is organised by the Port Hills Club - Click here Entry Form & Race Details. Shoe Clinic Tai Tapu Half & Quarter Marathon - Sunday 6th November 2011 @ 8:00 a.m.: Organised by the Athletics Canterbury Cross Country & Road Committee - Click here Entry Form & Race Details. Advance notice: CMA members make up some of the officials for this event and we receive a donation for our efforts, so please keep the morning of Sunday 6th November2011 free. Athletics Canterbury Track & Field Programme 2011 - 2012 - Opening Day 15 October 2011: As Rawhiti Domain is not yet ready, the opening TWO meetings of the season will be held at the Burnside High School track (Christchurch Avon Club Grounds). For more detailof the programme click here. Until the next e-News, keeptraining as the new track season is about to start. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Thursday 22nd September 2011 |
Hi all, The beginning of the track & field season is fast approaching. A CMA 2011-2012 season programme is available on the Events / Programme page of the website. It was discussed at the AGM about the possibility of Masters being able to compete regularly at Inter-club meetings without being registered club athletes. Unfortunately this is not possible, but there are still somemeetings throughout the season where you can compete and these are highlighted on our programme. It has not been possible to indicate the field event schedule for the season until I know the extent of damage to the throwing circles at both Rawhiti and Hansen Park. This will be done ASAPand an updated programme created. Entry forms for the North Island, South Island and Oceania Championships can also be downloaded from the Events / Programme page. If you are considering going to the North Island Championships in late November, several of our members are staying at the Halswell LodgeHotel Motel complex in Kent Street. Why not join us? QEII Update: The equipment storage area at QEII has been entered by the appropriate people and I am pleased to report that it looks like we will be able to remove our gear along with most if not allCentre gear. The process to obtain permission to enter the area is currently being 'worked' through, but just exactly when that will happen is not sure. When we run our CMA meetings, I ask the throwers to bring their own gear just in case. Rawhiti Domain Up-grade: Athletics Canterbury is putting together a plan & costings of getting the track & field facilities up to standard, with the assistance of CCC. As all areas of the sport willbenefit from the work they are doing, it was agreed at the last CMA committee meeting that CMA contribute $5000 towards the cost. It is estimated that it will cost upwards of $110,000, half of which is to be paid from within the sport and half from funding. CMA Opening Day - Wednesday 26 October Hansen Park @ 6:15 p.m. Remember these important dates: North Island Track & Field Championships - November 25th to 27th 2011 @ Wellington South Island Track & Field Championships - 2nd to 4th December 2011 @ Timaru Until the next e-New, keep training as the newtrack season is about to start. Kindregards, AndrewStark (CMAPresident) |
Wednesday 31st August 2011 |
Hi all, The CMA AGM occurred last week, with a good turn out of over 30 members. A new committee was duly elected, made up of the same members as last year, but with a couple of roll changes.Diane Carter stepped down as treasurer as she is planning to move back to Gisborne. After Bob died, it has not been that easy for Diane to continue in the roll as treasurer and it is a credit to her that she did. On behalf of all CMA members, thank you Diane. Glen Watts was nominated forCMA Life Membership and it was duly passed by those present. Tony McManus has taken on the roll as treasurer. The other change involves the secretarially position. Due to the extra demands related to earthquake recovery plans within thesport, Bernadette Jago has taken over from Andrew Reese. Andrew is very committed to our sport, with various treasurer / secretarially rolls within Athletics Canterbury and we still be involved on the CMA committee. On Sunday 28 August, a small group of 10 gathered for the Trans Tasman Postal Throws Pentathlon. Click here to view the results. CMA Opening Day - Wednesday 26 October Hansen Park @ 6:15 p.m. North Island Track & Field Championships - November 25th to 27th 2011 @ Wellington South Island Track & Field Championships - 2nd to 4th December 2011 @ Timaru Until the next e-New, Keep training as the new track season isabout to start. Kind regards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Tuesday 23rd August 2011 |
Hi All, Until the next e-New, Keep training as the new track season is about to start. Ican't wait!! Kind regards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Monday 1st August 2011 |
Hi all, Usually the performances we celebrate as masters athletes relate to track & field results. However, I am pleased to inform you all that Andrea Cattermole has produced a performance that she is very proud of ... a wee girl born on 17/07/2011 at 8:27 a.m., weighing inat 7lbs 4oz. Below is a photo of Emma May Hack.
It's not often a 'masters' athlete does this, so well done Andrea. Canterbury Masters Road Championships - Saturday 6 August 2011 Pegasus Town: IMPORTANT: CMA AGM - Wednesday 24 August @ 7:30 p.m - Port Hills Club Rooms: Cant-A-Long: Until the next e-New, Keep safe.
(CMAPresident) |
Wednesday 27th July 2011 |
Hi all, Interesting weather we are having .... I remember the 1992 snow and time it's just about as heavy. While the city may look beautiful all covered in white, I suspect that coupled with earthquake damage makes for a very unpleasant time for some. The WMA Track & FieldChampionships have been and gone. There were some great performance and if you CLICK HERE, you can see a list of all the New Zealand athlete' performacnes. Last weekend, Canterbury hosted the New Zealand Cross Country Championships, held at the Halswell Quarry on the same course at the Canterbury Championships. We were so luck with the weather, as the predicted storm arrived a couple of days late. CLICK HERE to view the results. What's On ... Athletics Canterbury Track & Field AGM - Thursday 28 July 2011 @ 7:30 p.m. - Cashmere Club IMPORTANT: CMA AGM - Wednesday 24 August @ 7:30 p.m - Port Hills Club Rooms Trans Tasman Postal Throws Pentathlon - Sunday 28 August CMA Records Up-date: Until the next e-New, Keep safe. Regards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Sunday 10th July 2011 |
Hi all, |
Tuesday 5th July 2011 |
Hi all, Two more large earthquakes in early June. More damage ... more stress.... Recently the earthquakes have become less frequent. However, I'm not sure if that's good or bad?? I know many of our members have been affected by the Government annoucementabout the red / orange zones. I can't imagine what it must be like to live within the red zone. I suspect it is not easy as you come to terms with what that exactly that means for you personally. I do know that doing exercise during times of stress is helpful, so what's coming up that youcan focus on .....
NZ Cross Country Championships - Saturday 23rd July @ Halswell Quarry
Regards, Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Friday 3rd June 2011 |
Hi all, . It's been almost two months since the last e-mail. The news is still full of earthquake stories, many about the frustration of how slow progress seems tobe occurring. Having walked around the outside of the red zone, the repair / clean-up is not going to be easy and I suspect that applies to many parts of Christchurch too. . Track & Field Planning Meeting Review: On the 7th April, a large group of interested people gathered at the Cashmere Club to discuss how Athletics Canterbury can run a track & field season without QEII. Ideas from the meeting were discussed at thesubsequent Track & Field sub-committee meetings, of which Andrew Reese and I are members. A sub-committee involving all sections of Athletics Canterbury has been set up and with the help of Sport Canterbury personnel, they are approaching the CCC to determine where to from here, withparticular interest as to where meetings can be held next season. What we do know is that it will be no 'quick fix'. I will report on process when I know more. Winter Season Events: Several of our members have been involved in organising many of the races and competing. A full list of results can be found on the Athletics Canterbury website ... CLICK HERE. To those competing, well done. . This event, plus the other associated races are occurring this Sunday on a new course starting in Lincoln. If you are competing in any of the races, good luck. For more information about when each race / walk starts in caseare going out to watch, CLICK HERE. I'm not sure of the weather forecast for Sunday, but I don't think it's looking great. . This winter I'm having a 'forced break' from racing due to an on-going injury ... very frustrating. If you are competing, good luck and remember, write something for Cant-A-long. . Regards, . Andrew Stark (CMA President) |
Each month the old e-News will be transferred to the Archived CMA e-News folder. |